Contact to the Pagotrans company in Ołtarzew

Do you have questions about transport services, forwarding or logistics? Do you want to learn more about our company, which has been dynamically developing on the domestic and international market since 2007? Please contact the Pagotrans team of specialists.



PAGOTRANS Bogucki Wojtas Sp. K.

Poznańska, Ołtarzew 327a,

05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki

NIP: 1182244983

Opening hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 - 15:00

Please send all deliveries to the warehouse address:

ul. Poznańska 237,

05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki

Aleksandra Pawluczyk
Purchase & Logistic Specialist

+48 600 622 175
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Mariusz Bogucki 
General Director

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Paweł Wojtas 
Purchase & Logistics Director

+48 609 229 477
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Finanse / Administracja:
Justyna Bogucka
Chief Accountant

+48 668 499 080
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